Thank You - Team Patterson

In just three more days the November 2022 elections will be history and voters will have made their decisions on leadership and other issues on the ballot. I cannot overstate the importance of the many supporters who have been part of Team Patterson in so many ways, knocking on doors, calling voters, writing postcards, stuffing envelopes, donating needed funds, and much more.

We have just one more ask - can you help us turn out the vote? We need canvassers to knock on doors of likely progressive voters who haven't voted yet (or to call them on the phone). Voter turnout is critical to winning this race, and much is at stake - choice, climate action, support for our public schools and for working families, help for the homeless and support for affordable housing, among other issues.

Do you have time for a two hour shift between now and Tuesday afternoon? Your help is absolutely needed now.

Thank you to the many supporters who have helped along the way (some of whom are pictured below). Together, we will win - for an Oregon that works for everyone!

Sign up to Knock on Doors!
Sign up to Phone Bank!
Make a Donation Here!

NewsDeb Patterson