20 Days and 20 Ways

We are officially 3 weeks out from the election. We know this race is going to be close and will come down to the work that our committed volunteers have been doing. Thank you for all you have done over the last few months. With ballots being mailed out tomorrow, my team and I wanted to share with you 20 ways that you can support my re-election campaign in the next 3 weeks:

  1. Sign up for a canvassing shift to elect Democrats up and down the ticket

  2. Share our posts on Facebook to let your friends know why you're supporting Deb Patterson for State Senate

  3. Sign up for a phone banking shift

  4. Make a contribution of $21 for the 21 days left until November 8th

  5. Follow Deb Patterson's Facebook page

  6. Update your voter registration (today is the last day!)

  7. Talk to 5 of your neighbors about why you are supporting my campaign

  8. Sign up for a canvassing shift with Tom Andersens' Campaign on Saturday the 29th at 10am

  9. Drop off literature on the doors in your neighborhood

  10. Send postcard to voters

  11. Call 5 of your friends and remind them to vote

  12. Host a lawn sign

  13. Mark your calendar to Get Out the Vote starting Saturday, Oct. 22nd

  14. Knock more doors for Deb with Senator Floyd Prozanski and Jama, Rep. Rachel Prusak and Nosse on Saturday the 22nd at 12pm

  15. Chip in $10 for Senate District 10

  16. Give out 3 lawn signs to your neighbors

  17. Make more calls!

  18. Send Deb a note of support at deb@debpattersonor.org

  19. Buy new shoes to knock even more doors!

  20. VOTE by November 8th

NewsDeb Patterson